Microsoft launches Azure Location Based Services

Microsoft Azure has launched preview for Azure Location Based Services.
They will offer enterprise customers location capabilities integrated in the cloud to help any industry improve traffic flow.

Azure Location Based Services Preview is a portfolio of geospatial services that will enable developers, enterprises, and partners to create location aware apps and IoT, mobility, logistics, and asset tracking solutions.
The portfolio is comprised of services for mapping, search and geocoding, routing, traffic data, and time zones. Together, these services will provide critical geospatial context and insights to Azure cloud solutions.

Location Based API Service reference:

API modules

Render Service
  • Used for fetching maps
  • High fidelity geographic information for over 200 regions around the world and is available in 35 languages and two versions of neutral ground truth
Routing Service
Get directions on a given route to know where traffic exists and the best ways to avoid it.
Search Service
Find real world objects and their respective location:
  • Geocoding: Finding addresses, places and landmarks
  • POI Search: Finding businesses based on a location
  • Reverse Geocoding: Finding addresses or cross streets based on a location
Time Zone Service
Get Time zones and time for locations around the world
Traffic Service
Ability to overlay and query traffic flow and incident information

Below are the sample snippets to try out Azure LBS:
JavaScript implementation:


Implementation suggestions:
  1. Azure LBS authenticated service into Power BI custom reporting (other than ArcGIS visual)
  2. Search using locations, business listings as an alternative to Bing Search for location based reporting


  1. Quick Demo Link
  2. Azure evolved search Link

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