Constrained Delegation in Azure
Problem statement:
Impersonate on SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Service) without:
- User's password
- Sysadmin permission
What is Constrained delegation?
Kerberos constrained delegation was introduced in Windows Server 2003 to provide a safer form of delegation that could be used by services. When it is configured, constrained delegation restricts the services to which the specified server can act on the behalf of a user. This requires domain administrator privileges to configure a domain account for a service and is restricts the account to a single domain.
Basically, it is Kerberos based authentication system which allows usage of services as different user.
How to configure?
Refer to the links in references.
High level:
- Create SPNs for servers for which we need to setup mutual trust
- In Active Directory, set up constrained delegation
How I used it in a SharePoint based reporting system?
- From Azure service passed User Principal Name (UPN) to On-Premise service
- In On-Premise service implemented logic to impersonate based on user’s identity
How it internally works?
- When UPN is received and impersonation request is made, On-Premise service requests Active Directory to provide Kerberos token for that user
- Active Directory provides token to On-Premise service
- On-Premise service passes token to server hosting SSAS and provides data only for that user
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